Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Space Toilet Ready To Drop (!) In 2014

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) believe they've solved the age-old problem of how to shit in space.

The current ISS toilet is a Russian-built, western-style commode that sucks waste away like a vacuum cleaner. Use of that toilet requires practice before heading to space, particularly because an improperly seated user has the potential to create a messy situation.

Clean and easy to use, the envisioned space toilet is designed to be worn like a diaper around the astronaut's waist at all times. Sensors detect when the user relieves him or herself, automatically activating a rear-mounted suction unit that draws the waste away from the body through tubes into a separate container. In addition to washing and drying the wearer after each use, the next-generation space toilet will incorporate features that eliminate unwanted sound and odor.

No offense, JAXA, but that sounds a little like overkill. Here's a much simpler and cost effective solution: shit yo pants! Then put them in a bag, and throw them out the nearest air-lock. Extra points for hitting a passing UFO.

Next-generation space toilet ready in five years [pinktentacle

Thanks to abovedefault and Praveen, who don't need vacuum-diapers because they digest everything. That's right, everything. Even gum.

TOILET Movie Trailer

Toilets at SMU Bina Persada looks fine: bright, clean, fragrant and a favorite place for all residents. Everyone, including residents ‘smooth’ bandits who enjoyed school, especially a handsome-handsome like Okta (Ricky Harun), Ical (Lionil Tikoalu) and Rio (Rizki Putra)
The whole school more often dihebohkan with the appearance of the pieces of the body’s terrible. Starting from the security guard (Aming), a favorite teacher (Indra Birowo) until the killer (Suti Karno), all helter-skelter demon terrorized toilet
Marsya realized he ‘carry ‘ something that angered the devil toilet. A grudge request is completed. He must free himself from prosecution before the demon soul to the toilet to collect the entire school!

What the F....?????

I do not know why the toilet together?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The couple toilet If 24/7 is what you need.

honestly tried not once but a few times
I could feel an explosion happening in my mouth full of mouthwash while he was still rinsing his mouth of toothpaste at the basin with his head down.

I ALMOST blurted out my mouthwash onto the back of his head,
with a sigh of relief after I made it until he lifted his head up.

With a basin, a shower head,
a one-man toilet bowl that are too small for the Two of you,
try this: the couple toilet

Taiwan’s latest dining sensation

When it comes to Asian cuisine, the Chinese are always full of surprises.
At the Merton Restaurant in Taiwan, you can literally eat a chocolate sundae out of a toilet bowl… if that’s your thing.

How to clean dirty toilet bowl?

The bathroom is one of the most important parts of a house. It is the place used to groom and present ourselves. People all across the world spend thousands of dollars to design their bathroom but very few individual initiate sincere efforts to keep it clean and tidy. The worst and the most unpleasant part of a dirty bathroom is a dirty toilet bowl. Dirty toilet bowl is highly unhygienic and serves a breeding ground for germs. A dirty toilet bowl is known to be repulsive and unpleasant. However, it is not that difficult to clean a dirty toilet bowl as you may imagine, provided you know the right way to do it.

Here is a list of steps to help you clean a dirty toilet bowl –
1) Firstly, you need to decide on the cleaner that you are going to use. There is a myriad of commercial toilet bowl cleaners available in the market. Select any reputated one. Alternatively, you may also use chlorine bleach, acid or white vinegar.

2) Flush or rinse the toilet bowl and pour the cleaner or acid, etc, in a circular motion. Assure that the cleaner reaches the rim of the toilet bowl because this is the place where a brush won’t reach that well. Let the cleaner sit in for few minutes. 10 – 15 minutes is more than enough. Remember that cleaners and acids contain harsh chemicals, so be careful not to splash them and also avoid contact with eyes or skin.
3) Once the toilet cleaner has sat long enough, the next step is to use a toilet brush to scrub away the dirt. Start with the rim of the bowl and slowly move downwards. In the bottom of the bowl, push the brush as far as it can go. After that flush the toilet and return the cleaning brush to its stand.
4) Lastly, put some powdered detergent or liquid soap in the bowl. You may also use laundry detergent as they smell good. The detergent or soap will help to get rid of left over stains and germs. Scrub the bowl and again flush or rinse the bowl.
If you follow the above mentioned steps, you will notice that your dirty toilet bowl will be as clean as if new. Finally, spray an air freshener as the smell of the cleaner or acid may surround the room.

Toilet Bowl Lip Gloss

Now, I don’t know much about lip gloss, but I know that a teenage girl applying gloss from a toilet bowl shaped container is pretty damn funny.
The Toilet Bowl Lip Gloss comes in grape, lemon, apple, and strawberry varieties. Unfortunately, shit flavor is unavailable.
( $1.99 )

a transexual toilet in a Thai school !!????!!!

A Thai school has created toilets for its transgender students with a sign that's half male, half female - with the words Transvestite Toilet  printed underneath.

The Kamphaeng School in Si Sa Ket, in northeastern Thailand opened separate toilet facilities to accommodate hundreds of transgender students.
Headteacher, Sitisak Sumontha, estimates that in any year, between 10% and 20% of his boys consider themselves to be transgender - boys who would rather be girls.
These students want to be able to go in peace without fear of being watched, laughed at or groped, he said.
They used to be teased every time they used the boys' toilets so they started using the girls' toilets instead. But that made the girls feel uncomfortable. It made these boys unhappy, and started to affect their work.
They(girls) don't have problems with transvestites but going to the same private area, like a toilet, makes them uneasy, he said.
The transvestite kids may behave even more effeminately than the girls do, but their anatomy is still like that of a boy.
Student Tanisorn Khantivong, aged 17, said: "It was inconvenient when we didn't have our own toilet.
Then we had to use both male and female toilets when there were no people in them. It was a bit uncomfortable.
Mr Sumontha said the students were no longer allowed to use female toilets but could still use the male toilets if they wanted to.
Predominantly Buddhist Thailand is relatively tolerant of homosexuality and Bangkok is a global centre for sex-change surgery.

50 Ways to Flush a Toilet

In the Brussels airport, I saw a new piece of technology that I just had to try out: the Lady P Urinoir (in the ladies’ bathroom, naturally). There were written instructions in four languages: “1. Assume skiing position.”
Fortunately, there were also stick-figure illustrations, otherwise I would have had to puzzle about “skiing position,” not being a skier. This instruction displays a certain cultural insensitivity; surely, at an international airport, they don’t think that every visitor knows how to ski?
It would be useful if other kinds of toilets also came with instructions. I’ve never seen such a bewildering variety of toilets as I have in Italy. The part you sit on is standard (unless you encounter an old-fashioned squatter; some Americans might be confounded by this), but working out how to flush it may be a challenge.

Here are a few of the options I’ve seen:
American-style tank behind the seat, with flush on upper right corner. The flush may be a button on top of the tank, or a plastic tab sticking out of the upper right side of the tank.
High wall-mounted tank (nostalgia items for some of us), with a pull chain dangling down.
Tank or flush pipes hidden in the wall. Here’s where it gets tricky; there are a zillion ways to flush these things, including:
A simple handle that you turn to open a faucet; let the water run til the evidence is flushed away. This ecologically sound – you use exactly as much water as needed – but it’s frustrating when water pressure is low and you’re in a hurry to leave the bathroom.
Buttons on the wall somewhere, usually (but not always) above the seat. This can be a small metal button, or a round plastic one, mounted on a larger plastic plate, that you push once to flush. The cleverest I’ve seen is the double button, a trapezoidal shape divided into larger and smaller sections. I assume that this is a water-saving feature, where the size of the section determines the size of the flush: push the small button for a small job, the big button for a bigger job, or, if you’re really worried, both buttons together.
Step-on rubber button near the floor, sticks out at an angle, usually on the right side of the bowl. Step on it hard for as long as you want the flush to last.
A round plastic button sticking out of the wall at waist level next to the toilet, where you’d more or less spot it while you’re sitting, but may not notice it when you stand up

Note that the “helpful” graphic shows an impossible foot position.
Wave-activated sensor. When you’re done, wave your hand in front of the photocell on the wall behind the bowl (there’s an illustration encouraging you to do this), and the flush will take care of itself.
Automatic flush. These are supposed to detect when you sit down and when you get up again, but they are almost always miscalibrated and go off while you’re still sitting. And they tend to flush hard – eeyow! that water’s cold! Worse, this is the type most commonly found in roadside rest stops, where the bathrooms are not heated in winter.
When you’ve conquered the toilet, you face the challenge of washing your hands. Many bathroom sinks are equipped with photo sensors, but these can be fussy. I have one friend whose hands are transparent to them – no amount of waving around will get her any water; someone else has to put their hand in front of the sensor for her. Some faucets are activated by pedals on the floor, one for hot and one for cold – highly sanitary, as you don’t have to touch anything with the hands you’re trying to clean. I’ve even seen sensor-activated soap dispensers!

Toilet House Won't Flush, Smells Like Ass

In celebration of the first General Assembly of the World Toilet Association, the founder, Sim Jae-duck had this commode house built south of Seoul. The home boasts four deluxe toilets -- whatever the hell those are, and its center has a showcase bathroom, where "the toilets have features that range from elegant fittings to the latest in water conservation devices." The Assembly's goal is to provide clean sanitation for the more than 2 billion people who live without toilets. So why they're building a giant toilet house is a mystery to me. If you happen to be in South Korea go check it out, right at the intersection of Shit Street and Urine Avenue. You can't miss it, it's the house shaped like a f'ing toilet.
One more from the ground after the jump.

Robotic toilet maintains personal hygiene as the sick attends nature’s call

We’ve read and learnt about all the amazing developments in robotics that help paraplegics, physically disabled or people in poor health regain their independence and live a dignified life. However this particular concept goes beyond expectations to maintain privacy and personal dignity of the infirm. Dubbed as Nature’s Call the concept is a mobile robotic toilet especially designed for bed ridden patients.

The interactive device approaches the sick person’s bed upon request. Once used the device automatically rolls back to the station to clean itself. It ensures personal hygiene using a bidet and hair dryer function while at the same time maintaining privacy.

Developed as part of a study project on Ambient Assistan Living, the robot finds great use in geriatric care, retirement home, home care service and rehabilitation clinic calls.

The Hot Poop on Toilet Design in the Developing World

File this one under why design matters: the Humanitarian International Design Organization recently had a call for entries for designs that address the need for sanitary waste disposal solutions in the developing world. They've announced the top three, including Compliance Health Dignity, known also as The Dignity Toilet (shown above), which will continue to be developed.
The other top two designs use African native architecture as starting point and employ composting to achieve self-sufficient sanitation, respectively; all succeeded in the search to find a unique, cheap way adjusted to local customs and possibilities.

Game instructions for Toilet War

 Toilet War is an arcade game on in which you will help a girl to empty the bowels. Here are 9 dishes. Different dishes have different effect on this girl. Move your mouse and click on these dishes. Choose the liquid food like the soup can make the girl more comfortable and happy. Or you can choose these solid foods such as curry, spaghetti, rice, or just bread and biscuit. Different kinds of food can make the girl more uncomfortable in different levels. And the soundtrack is change with different dishes. Of course, you can choose same dishes once again. The game will be ended until you thought that you have tried your best to help the girl! Are you ready? Let’s start it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Use a Squat Toilet in China

The "western" toilet is making inroads into China and in big cities and airports, you'll find a few of them in the row of toilets in the bathroom. However, there are still lots and lots and lots of squatty potties and likely as not, you'll venture into one. It's not as hard as it seems, but it's good to know what you're getting into before you go...

Here's How:
1.Pack Tissues. Before you even leave the hotel, make sure you've got portable toilet paper with you. Lots of public restrooms don't provide it. Wet wipes and hand sanitizer are also good to have along as if there's a sink, there may not be any soap, and probably no towels either.

2.Plan Your Business 1. "Preventive Peeing" or going before you go is a good way to avoid getting caught in a place that won't have a nice toilet. (Nice doesn't necessarily mean Western by the way.) Pretend you're all five years old and make sure everyone goes before you leave the house.

3.Plan Your Business 2. If you're going to be out and about, think about where you'll be and try to plan some pit-stops in between. Especially in big cities, international hotels, upscale restaurants and shopping malls will have clean washrooms with most of the amenities (toilet paper, Western toilets, soap and towels).
Places to avoid using the bathroom: large markets (especially outdoor markets), street-side public bathrooms (though they're improving), tourist spots.

4.Bag Hand-Off. If you can, hand any unnecessary bags to a friend while you use the washroom. There are generally no hooks and you'll need your hands to balance, to dig around your purse for tissues and to hold on to the door if the lock is broken.

5.Queuing Up. If you find yourself outside the comfort of your hotel, don't panic. It won't be unbearable. Queues in China don't work the same way as they do in the States. Women generally line up in front of a particular stall rather than hang back as one opens. This can create a free-for-all so it's best to stick to one door and keep your eye on it. If it happens not to be a Western toilet, better to get in there than re-queue. Many times, doors have pictures or signs indicating Western or squat-style toilets. Also, check the lock, if it's red, then it's occupied. Green means free but always knock.

6.Pants Check. I don't want to scare you but some washrooms are rather wet - either from splash effect or the toilet maid (usually there is someone assigned to sit in the washroom and clean it) running amok with her mop. Either way, it's not moisture you want on your new linen trousers. If it's wet, roll them up, especially if you're in line for a squat toilet. If you see other Chinese ladies rolling, then be sure to. They know something you don't.

7.The Squat. OK, well, you've found yourself in a squatty potty. It's really not that bad and many argue it's actually healthier to go this way than sitting down. Whatever, if you're not used to it, squatting can be really difficult. Face forward and try to let your pants down while ensuring that the ends are up (hopefully you've rolled) and not touching the floor. There are grooved places for your feet on either side of the toilet. Try to get somewhere in the middle, feet flat on the floor (you don't want to fall in, believe me) and aim for the potty.

8.Paper Discard - Not in the Pot! Chinese plumbing in public restrooms generally doesn't handle paper. If you can remember, please put anything other than #1 or #2 in the basket. Try as hard as you can NOT to look at the basket, it's usually open and teeming with things on which you'd rather not lay eyes.

9.Finish Up. Out you go, you accomplished squat toilet user. Unroll your pants, wash your hands, if you can, and find your friends waiting for you outside.

1.It's really not that bad once you get the hang of it and isn't it better than hovering over a public toilet seat?
2.A note on the trough. As hideous as this sounds, there are places where there are still troughs in public bathrooms. In these types of public toilets, there are usually door-less stalls facing up to a long trough with water running down from one end to the other. Folks back up and squat over the trough and everything floats away. These types of toilets are going the way of the dinosaur, but consider yourself warned.
3.China's reputation for horrible public bathrooms used to be well-deserved, but these days, the government is doing a lot to improve the state of the facilities. You'll often find public toilets rated with stars. There's a lovely 4-star public toilet on the Sacred Way outside of Beijing, for example.
4.Have a few coins (1-2rmb) with you for use in public restrooms. There's usually a charge and toilet paper will be given with the fee.
5.Try not to freak out about the squat toilets. Likely as not, you won't have to use one and if you do, it's all part of the experience.

Love Seat Toilet by Amigo Zhou

This is a Love Seat Toilet designed for two people to used together. The design is in a form of two attached piggy in order to make some fun to the most personal moment and make it less embarrassing. The user have to sit back to back to each other, this setting suggested that: you are very important to your loved one! The Love Seat Toilet adds color to our daily life as it provides a chance for the couple to share the most personal time intimately together. It is a special moment for both of them. The enhancement of communications could also apply within a family, too. It is also an environment friendly design as it could save much water in the toilet when two people is using it at the same time.

Japanese Toilets

There are two types of toilets in Japan: "Japanese style" and "Western style".

Public washrooms are often equipped with both toilet styles, although some older facilities might have only Japanese style toilets, while some newer facilities might have only Western style toilets. The toilets in most public homes and hotels are Western style.

Western style toilets in Japan often feature options such as a heated ring, a built-in shower and dryer for your behind and an automatic lid opener. Both Western and Japanese style toilets usually have two flush modes: "small" (小) and "large" (大), differing in the amount of water used.

Although the situation has improved considerably in recent decades, toilet paper is not always provided in public washrooms. Therefore, it is recommended to carry a small package of tissues. Similarly, because paper towels or dryers are not always provided, it is recommended to carry a handkerchief.

When using the washroom in a private home, minshuku or ryokan, you will often find toilet slippers for exclusive use inside the washroom. Leave your usual slippers outside the washroom, and do not forget to change back into them, afterwards, to avoid an often committed cultural faux pas.

How to use Japanese style toilets

1)  Face the front of the toilet (see picture below).
2)  Pull down your trousers/skirt completely below your knees.
3)  Squat down as closely to the front of the toilet as possible. In case of elevated toilets (see picture below), you need to stand on the raised platform while squatting.

Automatic Toilet Seat Cover from Pressalit - AutoClose!

Pressalit presents the latest smart bathroom idea: the AutoClose automatic toilet seat cover. ‘Unexpected intelligence’ sums up the whole idea… a simple yet effective concept. A built-in sensor keeps the toilet cover open when a user is present, and will gently close the cover when the user leaves the area. AutoClose doesn’t slam- it’s equipped with a soft close feature that will lower the seats automatically as you wash your hands. This eliminates two problems at the same time: air-borne germs from the toilet, and the age-old question of whether the toilet set should be left up or down! The models from Pressalit’s Modern Art range are available with the Autoclose automatic toilet seat cover.
Another awesome automated toilet idea here… the Japanese-style washlet toilet is from Toto.

Compact Toilet for Small Bathrooms - MiniLoo pink toilet by Neo-Metro

If you live in a compact urban home or condo, this compact toilet by Neo-Metro was made for you! The MiniLoo "mini" toilet proves that good things come in small packages. This funky mini toilet will satisfy all your style and small-space cravings. Measuring approximately 14 by 20 by 14 inches, the MiniLoo fits perfectly into compact corners and small spaces, leaving lots of room for all your other bathroom essentials. And though it may be small, this mini toilet sports big style, with its hot pink finish, stainless steel seat and lid, and in-wall flushing. Custom color-matching is also availalble. How chic! Glamorize your bathroom with this luxury loo. Check it out at Neo-Metro.

Unusual Toilet and Bidet – 'Made' compact by NIC Design

If you’re looking for an unusual toilet and bidet for your bath, you’ve got it "Made". The new Made toilet and bidet by NIC Design are cool and compact, and totally untraditional – just the thing to shake up a boring, dated bathroom. These chic, wall-hung fixtures feature spherical bowls and come in a contemporary white or black finish. Measuring just 62 by 38 cm, this pair makes a great addition to compact bathrooms and powder rooms. Complement the Made collection with polished chrome fixtures and the right accessories, and your bathroom will rival any other room in your home, both in looks and in comforts. Check out this unusual toilet and bidet by visiting NIC Design.

Wall Mount Washlet Toilet by Toto - new modern Giovannoni with remote control

Bravo for the wall mount Washlet toilet by Toto. The European company brings together Italian style and Japanese bathroom culture in this unique and gorgeous Giovannoni toilet. This rimless masterpiece boasts gentle curves and a smooth, sculptural shape ideal for a spa-inspired space – it might as well be called “David.” This Washlet toilet is the epitome of luxury for the bathroom, complete with a self-cleaning washing wand, a heated seat, a deodorizer and a remote control for the ultimate in Toto’s “Clean Technology.” This modern bathroom essential also incorporates some must-haves, including: rear wash, front wash, oscillating wash, water-pressure adjustment, water-temperature adjustment and washing position adjustment. Who ever said a toilet is “just a toilet”? Check out the Giovannoni Washlet toilet at Toto.

Decorative Toilets and Bidets by Stile – Mosaiko

Wow, beautiful decorative toilets and bidets! Some people choose to hide the toilet and bidet – and there certainly are some creative concealed toilet styles out there – and others, like Italian company Stile, prefer them to stand out and shine! The Mosaiko collection of handmade decorative toilets and bidets is a certain instant focal point. Choose from an amazing palette of colors like glitzy gold, pretty pastel lilac and grey, dark and dramatic brown and black, and who can forget the classic white? Interiors are white, and the toilets feature matching lids. Coordinate your bathroom with a matching sink and shower tray. Toilets and bidets can be chic! Check out this decorative collection at Stile.

Shower-Toilet Seat SensoWash Starck 3 by Duravit

Acclaimed designer Philippe Starck has joined forces with bathroom brand Duravit to present the SensoWash Starck 3 – a new shower-toilet seat that combines contemporary aesthetics, comfort, convenience and cleanliness. The heated seat brings a little luxury to an otherwise unglamorous, utilitarian necessity. A hand-held remote control lets you conveniently operate the seat’s many functions – Rearwash, Comfortwash, Ladywash, the hot-air dryer, seat heating, and even the memory keys programmable for two different users. New for 2011, the SensoWash Starck 3 shower-toilet seat can be combined with any toilet from the Starck 3, Starck 2 and the Darling New ranges. Once you try it, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without it! Check it out by visiting Duravit.